Bible Truth: Samuel listened to God's voice.
Bible Story: When God called Samuel's name, Samuel learned to say, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening".
Bible Study: 1 Samuel 1:1-3:19
Along with pictures from a Bible Storybook, I include these visuals and actions to draw my students into the lesson of Samuel.
Cradle and hold a baby doll as Samuel, Hannah's answer to prayer.
I gathered up a couple gold items from around my house to describe the ways that Samuel learned to help and serve in the tabernacle. You could use a fancy looking bowl, cup, vase, candle holder, or anything else you may have. The idea is to show the children that Samuel learned how to take great care of the things that were used to worship God. We know for sure that Samuel opened the doors of the tabernacle every morning. He listened to Eli's instructions, and obeyed everything that Eli told him to do.
Then, I invite the children to role play the part of Samuel, while play the part of Eli. They lay down and pretend to sleep. I say, "Samuel! Samuel!" They stand up and run (in place) and then repeat after me, "Here I am. Did you call me." I tell them to go back and lay down, and call for Samuel twice more. On the fourth time, I teach the kids to say, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening."
Sing "Are You Sleeping (Samuel)?" with the actions as fun way to reinforce this lesson.
Lay Samuel down in bed, and sit him when he hears the LORD call his name. For this craft you will need:
Bible Study: 1 Samuel 1:1-3:19
Along with pictures from a Bible Storybook, I include these visuals and actions to draw my students into the lesson of Samuel.
Cradle and hold a baby doll as Samuel, Hannah's answer to prayer.
I gathered up a couple gold items from around my house to describe the ways that Samuel learned to help and serve in the tabernacle. You could use a fancy looking bowl, cup, vase, candle holder, or anything else you may have. The idea is to show the children that Samuel learned how to take great care of the things that were used to worship God. We know for sure that Samuel opened the doors of the tabernacle every morning. He listened to Eli's instructions, and obeyed everything that Eli told him to do.
Then, I invite the children to role play the part of Samuel, while play the part of Eli. They lay down and pretend to sleep. I say, "Samuel! Samuel!" They stand up and run (in place) and then repeat after me, "Here I am. Did you call me." I tell them to go back and lay down, and call for Samuel twice more. On the fourth time, I teach the kids to say, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening."
Sing "Are You Sleeping (Samuel)?" with the actions as fun way to reinforce this lesson.
samuel scripture pass
Choose one of the objects that you used to represent items that were used for worship in the tabernacle that you don't mind the children handling. Gather the children into a circle. Remind them that Samuel learned how to take great care of the things in the tabernacle. Explain that in this game, they are going to be very respectful with the item you have chosen, just as Samuel was. Play a children's worship song as you pass the item around the circle. Randomly stop the music. Invite the child who is holding the item when the music stops to stand up. Ask, "What did Samuel say when God called his name?" Help the child repeat Samuel's response from 1 Samuel 3:10, "Speak LORD, Your servant is listening." Continue playing the game, ensuring that each child has a turn to repeat the verse.
sleeping samuel, sitting samuel
Lay Samuel down in bed, and sit him when he hears the LORD call his name. For this craft you will need:
- this print out
- card stock
- felt
- scissors (paper & fabric)
- glue
- crayons
To prepare, print page one onto regular paper, and page two onto card stock. Cut out the Samuel figures. For each child, cut one piece of felt to approximately 2.5" x 5". Cut another piece of felt to approximately 2.5" x 3.5".
In class provide crayons for the children to color Samuel and the tabernacle scene. Help them apply glue to attach the larger piece of felt to the activity page, and then apply glue to three sides of the smaller felt to create a "pocket" for Samuel.
Fold the Samuel figures at the waist. Put him into the felt "pocket" to lay down in bed, and then pull him out just enough to sit up and say, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening."
Thank you for the template of Samuel listening to God speak. It will be a fun craft for my kindergarten class at church.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I came across this for my daughter's 3-4yo Sunday School class tomorrow. I'm going to do every bit of it! You are a great, hands-on teacher.
ReplyDeleteIt is also a good way of creating interest for the kids.
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This sure will teach kids devotion towards God.
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